Patron Saint of Wine, Wine Makers and Wine Growers

by Donna Haupt in Wine

Patron Saint of Wine


I Googled “patron saint of wine” and to my amazement the nuns were still keeping secrets from us about the lives of the saints. Don’t get me wrong, the stories of the saints are stories of hardships, sacrifice, and so much martyrdom. But the naughty in me was the discovery of being able to associate a saint with a human indulgence. 

My research discovered many patron saints of those in the wine industry and wine makers, and of course their stories of hardship. Out of the many Patron Saints of Wine, I really liked the history behind St. Morand of Cluny, a Benedictine monk of German heritage, feastday June 3, 1115. During Lent he lived off
a single bunch of grapes, leading his patronage to people in the grape
and wine industry; vintners, wine growers and wine makers.
I read about his history and thought very intensely how should I paint this saint to show him respect, and to represent his patronage.  The dress of the Benedictine monk during the 12th century was a black garment. However, to give his image visual appeal why not color his robe the color of deep red wine.  Above is my rendition of Saint Morand of Cluny, Benedictine monk. Patron of the grapes that help us relax.